Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Inspirational Craft - Alexander Calder

Everyone knows Calder, right? The "mobile" guy - some say the creator of this genre of art. He was also a master maker of jewelery. In his own style, naturally! His jewels were quite popular among society arty ladies - but he mostly gave them away to friends (who were said ladies). Enjoy the "feast" of Calder works below - all portable and wearable! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Brass Ring with Ceramic - 1930 Calder

Brass Collar/Necklace with Silver Armband Calder

Ribbon Necklace Silver - Calder

Brass Necklace - Calder - Made from One Piece of Wire

Silver Armband - Calder

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Amanda Finds It!

Vintage Shoe Co.. Tanker boots
 Everyone has talents.
A particular talent of mine is finding things.
It's a bit odd really and not quite as exciting as having X ray goes like this.

A friend will ask if I have ever seen / come across an item - I'll say no
I haven't!  Never seen that bizarre thing you are looking for... then Voila! a few weeks later
I'll apply my masterful "sleuthing" skill and said item will appear.
Usually for a reasonable price and being well made!

The above boots, for example, are similar to a photo of Lotta Jansdotter's.
For years I was always wondering who made them as they looked to be vintage quality!
Then last night I stumbled upon these! Mystery solved!

Thanks for Reading!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Intro (without a drumroll).

Vintage packaging for my Jewelry line.

Hello! My name is Amanda and I make things!
Metal things - and sometimes messes. This is my blog where I talk about the things I make, or fail to make!

I also run a couple Etsy shops - - for handmade modernist jewelry and  for quality vintage items!
I'll post a little about thrifty finds and a lot about my jewelry process.
I'll also be forcing some of my creative friends to allow me to write about them too!

I'm a follower of a couple design blogs and find myself idealizing the lives these woman must lead.
They make living a creative, contemplative life while raising kids, and having an awesome looking house seem easy and attainable. They have inspiring comments and giveaways - with inspirational shots of various DIY projects - located in some hip part of the country.

Yep. I won't be raising the blog bar quite THAT high, thanks.
 Since I don't have kids, a husband, or a cute house - you all will have to settle for postings about making stuff / messes and the occasional inspirational rant + photo.

Thanks for reading!