Friday, August 17, 2012

Kickstarter Favorites

I've been visiting the site Kickstarter - both as research for an upcoming project and because there are some really awesome items you can't find anywhere else!

I've already backed a much needed textbook project by a philosophy professor and am always on the lookout for cool projects that need help getting off the ground.

Kickstarter is a great way to provide funding for makers and get a cool product you'd want anyways!
You never know what products a business will offer up in the future - especially if they have the capital and an audience provided by loyal funders + customers.

Here are my favorite Kickstarter items this week!
Check back for the lowdown on my own project in a few weeks.

The Keylet is a super option for folks who don't have many keys to carry.
They also offer a key holder for people who have lots of keys.
 I think this would be awesome as a key holder for running (or as I call it gasping for air and flailing around).

Kenji Prince is a barber who came up with the Old Familiar Comb.
Available in several models this seems like a sustainable alternative to the cheap plastic combs I keep replacing after I break them. (Yes, I am a woman who uses a COMB people - it takes up way less room than a brush in my purse!)

As a former preschool teacher I know kids would all over these Children's ABC Wallet Cards by Marie Claire Camp. Heaven knows we need more toys/learning tools that aren't aesthetically horrendous.
I think these fit the bill and are like nothing I've seen on the market.

I need some new flat art - and I like these paintings/collages by Megan Stroech.
She's promoting a project called Misremembering New Works on Kickstarter with some pretty cool incentives.

Thanks for reading + have a good weekend!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oooh Metallicky...

I love kinetic and mechanical objects and these stars are no exception!
Here's a Neat Video with John Kostick about his fold able stars based on mathematical principals.
These suckers are available in 3 sizes over at Design Within Reach - check 'em out!
These have been in production since 1965 and are made in the USA!

Kate over at  Matchbook roams the Internet matching books covers (art in it's own right) with bathing suits!
I like the print of this metallic suit and the printing style of this book cover too!

The Candela Cube Light is minimalist and could be lumped into the whole stained glass/cube/terrarium trend sweeping over the DIY/design sites. But, I think it deserves a chance - I'm sure would look really different in person...but I think I like it!

I'm pretty sure these would be great shoes if you were a pimp.
In fact, should I ever take up that profession I think I'll buy myself a pair...maybe 2 in case one gets dirty or I loose a shoe. But, what color socks would I wear??? Seriously Robert Clergerie Jasc has some cool shoes made in France. Perfect for someone...maybe Ceelo!!!

       That's right - throwin' a little subtle at ya! 
I love the combination of neutrals with a touch of  metallic!!!
 I'm VERY excited about this nice collection of Washi Tape curated by Melanie on over at CraftyJapan on Etsy.... So excited I think it might need to come live with me!!!

Thanks for Reading!