I've been visiting the site Kickstarter - both as research for an upcoming project and because there are some really awesome items you can't find anywhere else!
I've already backed a much needed textbook project by a philosophy professor and am always on the lookout for cool projects that need help getting off the ground.
Kickstarter is a great way to provide funding for makers and get a cool product you'd want anyways!
You never know what products a business will offer up in the future - especially if they have the capital and an audience provided by loyal funders + customers.
Here are my favorite Kickstarter items this week!
Check back for the lowdown on my own project in a few weeks.
The Keylet is a super option for folks who don't have many keys to carry.
They also offer a key holder for people who have lots of keys.
I think this would be awesome as a key holder for running (or as I call it gasping for air and flailing around).
Kenji Prince is a barber who came up with the Old Familiar Comb.
Available in several models this seems like a sustainable alternative to the cheap plastic combs I keep replacing after I break them. (Yes, I am a woman who uses a COMB people - it takes up way less room than a brush in my purse!)
As a former preschool teacher I know kids would all over these Children's ABC Wallet Cards by Marie Claire Camp. Heaven knows we need more toys/learning tools that aren't aesthetically horrendous.
I think these fit the bill and are like nothing I've seen on the market.
I need some new flat art - and I like these paintings/collages by Megan Stroech.
She's promoting a project called Misremembering New Works on Kickstarter with some pretty cool incentives.
Thanks for reading + have a good weekend!